Welcome back!

An hour or two at home

An hour or two at home

Everything you do for the Harris in your own time benefits others!

Just a Minute

Just a Minute

Could you spare a few minutes?

Latest challenges

Sign up for the Volunteer Newsletter

Sign up to receive all the latest exciting Harris Volunteer news written by your fellow volunteers!

An hour or two

An hour or two

Can you spare an hour or two every now and then?

Latest challenges

Bedtime reading - the Harris' Volunteer Handbook 2024

Stimulate your senses with a good old read through of the Harris' Volunteer Handbook 2024.

Egg rolling workshop helper - Mon 21st April 10.30 - 1.30

Can you spare a few hours to help out at Preston’s Egg Rolling event this Easter Monday?

Give a Day

Give a Day

Giving a day will open up wonderful opportunities.

Regular Help

Regular Help

You could become one of our regular volunteers.

Work as a Team

Work as a Team

It's always better to do things together! Many hands makes light work!

Things to do to feel good

Volunteer Meetings and social things!

Latest challenges

Harris Volunteers meeting and social - Saturday 26th April, 11am - 12.30 at Brew and Bake cafe

Every other monthly Harris Volunteers meeting and social. A great place to come if you are a new volunteer to find out more and meet other Harris volunteers. Saturday morning, 11am until 12.30pm. Date: 26th April 2025

Training and self development

Interesting things that are being run by you!

These are projects and activities that Harris volunteers have set up themselves but would love to invite you along to, to get involved with in your own time.

Share your views and opinions

Welcome on Board - your induction before you start volunteering

Welcome on Board - your induction before you start volunteering

Informal meet up to find out more about being a volunteer for the Harris and what to expect. Hopefully this will put your mind at ease if you feel a bit worried or apprehensive. It could be just you or it could be a small group of up to 8.

Harris Projects - your specialist support

Harris Projects - your specialist support

Joining our project teams to give your expert support and guidance