About us

About us

The Harris building has been closed since October 2022 for a major renovation project called Harris Your Place. It will reopen in Spring 2025 as a better Harris for everyone! 

Harris Your Place is a £16million project which is restoring and reimagining the Harris for 21st-century audiences as a community, cultural and learning space. Harris Your Place has been made possible with support from the National Lottery Heritage FundTowns FundPreston City Council, Lancashire County Council, City Deal, DCMS, Arts Council England and public donations via the Friends of the Harris.

For anyone that doesn't already know, The Harris is a free to enter Museum, Library, Art Gallery, cafe and shop all under one roof in the centre of Preston. It is a magnificent Grade 1 listed building which was established in 1893. We has it all! Fine Art, Decorative Art, Costume, Textiles, History, Contemporary Art and more!

Our voluntary roles are quite varied - some are fairly permanent for example the Fine Art Champs and Costume Collection Champs, whilst other roles can be one-off for example helping out with creative activities for families during holiday periods, or getting involved in community celebration events. We encourage all ages over18 and all abilities to get involved through volunteering and we will try to match you up depending on your skills and interests with something that is just right for you. We will support you and help you to achieve whatever your goals are. 

Joining as a volunteer with the Harris is easy, all you have to do is register yourself on this website and we will be in touch to invite you to an induction and volunteer meetings to get to know everyone. We look forward to meeting you soon! 

All our opportunities and roles are posted on this website and are called "challenges". They are avaialble on a first come first served basis so check in here regularly to avoid missing out! 

Familiarise yourself with The Harris Team by clicking here.