All Challenges



Challenge 1

Bedtime reading - the Harris' Volunteer Handbook 2024

Stimulate your senses with a good old read through of the Harris' Volunteer Handbook 2024.

Challenge 2

Egg rolling workshop helper - Mon 21st April 10.30 - 1.30

Can you spare a few hours to help out at Preston’s Egg Rolling event this Easter Monday?

Challenge 3

Egg rolling workshop helper - Mon 21st April 1pm- 4pm

Can you spare a few hours to help out at Preston’s Egg Rolling event this Easter Monday?

Challenge 4

Harris Volunteers meeting and social - Saturday 26th April, 11am - 12.30 at Brew and Bake cafe

Every other monthly Harris Volunteers meeting and social. A great place to come if you are a new volunteer to find out more and meet other Harris volunteers. Saturday morning, 11am until 12.30pm. Date: 26th April 2025

Challenge 5

Sign up for the Volunteer Newsletter

Sign up to receive all the latest exciting Harris Volunteer news written by your fellow volunteers!